This privacy policy is exclusively made for ‘savourbytina.com’, known as ‘International Make-up Artist Tina Derkse’, hereafter called ‘Savour by Tina’.
It is a fundamental dedication of ‘Savour by Tina’ to protect both your personal information and privacy. Therefor, this area will outline the personal information ‘Savour by Tina’ receives as well as how those details are collected and stored and how your rights are adhere to. ‘Savour by Tina’ ensures to maintain decency and integrity in the highest standards.
Media & Documents
‘Savour by Tina’ provides documents, such as price lists, for whoever is interested in using one of the provided services. Therefor, ‘Savour by Tina’ is strongly committed to use secured files. However, we still advise you to use an anti-virus security software before opening the downloaded file.
Contact Forms
As a user, you may contact ‘Savour by Tina’ by using our contact form. By doing so, ‘Savour by Tina’ expects it’s done with full discretion, understanding that providing personal details is within your own risk. While simultaneously, all precautions are taken in order to make sure your personal information is kept private and stored securely, until there is no further use for maintaining it, or when you request your personal information to be erased.
Cookies are a bundle of small files collected by your browser and stored on your computer, which often includes a unique identifier. This data is mainly used to improve your online experience whenever you visit ‘Savour by Tina’. For more information about cookies, please visit AllAboutCookies.org.
External Website links & Third Party
‘Savour by Tina’ uses outbound links to third party websites you might be interested in. By following these links, we trust that you fully understand this is within your own risk. ‘Savour by Tina’ will take all precautions to make sure all links are secure. When a user follows a link to another website, the privacy policy of ‘Savour by Tina’ will no longer have value.
Your Rights
As a user, you remain the owner of all personal information ‘Savour by Tina’ collects. Therefor, you may contact ‘Savour by Tina’ in regards to request information about how your data is stored, or in order to request your personal information to be erased.
‘Savour by Tina’ makes use of Google Analytics in order to understand how our users use our website. To understand how Google uses your personal information, you can visit the Google Privacy Policy.
‘Savour by Tina’ makes use of a third party security and anti-spam detector, which temporarily stores personal information, in order to recognise true or fake users. This way, ‘Savour by Tina’ aims to maintain a secure online experience.
As a user, your rights when visiting ‘Savour by Tina’ are based on the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’, known as GDPR (eu), and the ‘Personal Data Protection Act’, known as PDPA (th). Both aim to regulate lawful collection and use of personal data that can directly or indirectly identify a natural person.
Data Retention
Whenever a user makes use of our contact form, ‘Savour by Tina’ will retain your personal information in order to reply as soon as possible. Similarly for our booking form, ‘Savour by Tina’ will retain your personal information securely, unless or until you specificly request us to delete your personal information. All kept data for administrative, legal or security purposes are the exception to this rule.
If you have any further questions regarding to these subjects. Please don’t hesitate to contact us on info@savourbytina.com